Sunday, March 06, 2011

What Happens When a Tribe in Indonesia Gets Their First Bibles?

Imagine what it would be like to witness the first delivery of the New Testament to a people who have never had their own full translation in the mother tongue!

Watch this to find out!

The Kimyal Tribe, Papua Indonesia


BeckyE said...

Fantastic! Thanks for sharing. I had my kids watch that this morning.

~ Joshua Harber said...

As awesome as the story of the Kimyal is, it is all-the-more impactful when you realize that over 100 similar communities will receive the Bible for the first time this year! Conservative projections show that the LAST language community will receieve it by the year 2030, should the Lord tarry. THANKS for posting!

JO said...

absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

Mark Vroegop said...

Joshua - Wow! Do you have an article or something that points this fact out? I'd love to read it.